I am a software engineer for Oracle in Zürich at the Java Platform Group, working on the OpenJDK, helping to evolve the Java programming language & compiler. Before joining Oracle, I was a postdoctoral researcher for the Scala 3 compiler team at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne; at the Programming Methods Laboratory led by Martin Odersky and a software engineer for Swisscom AG. PhD from the University of Athens advised by Yannis Smaragdakis.
Ping me at biboudis att gmail dott com or LinkedIn.
- ICFP 2023 (PC)
- ARRAY 2021 (PC)
- GPCE 2021, 2018 (PC)
- SPLASH 2019 (web/publicity co-chair)
- ML Workshop 2019 (PC)
- OOPSLA 2019 (External Reviewer)
- Functional Stream Libraries and Fusion: What's Next? (Co-organiser of Shonan Meeting)
- REBLS 2017, 2018, 2019 (PC)
- SCALA 2017 (PC), 2016 (co-chair)
- ECOOP 2016 Artifact Evaluation Committee
Research Areas
- Programming Languages:
- Highest-performance Stream Processing, O. Kiselyov, T. Kobayashi, A. Biboudis, N. Palladinos, OCaml Workshop'22
- All Things Flow: Unfolding the History of Streams, A. Biboudis, J. Gibbons and O. Kiselyov,. HaPoC'21 (slides)
- A Type-and-Effect System for Object Initialization, F. Liu, O. Lhotak, A. Biboudis, P. Giarrusso and M. Odersky,. OOPSLA'20
- Semantics-Preserving Inlining for Metaprogramming, N. Stucki, A. Biboudis, S. Doeraene and M. Odersky. SCALA'20
- A Practical Unification of Multi-stage Programming and Macros, N. Stucki, A. Biboudis and M. Odersky. GPCE'18
- Initialization Patterns in Dotty, F. Liu, A. Biboudis and M. Odersky. SCALA'18
- Simplicitly: Foundations and Applications of Implicit Function Types, M. Odersky, O. Blanvillain, F. Liu, A. Biboudis, H. Miller, and S. Stucki. POPL'18
- Extensible and Efficient Streaming Libraries, A. Biboudis. PhD thesis (slides)
- Structured Program Generation Techniques, Y. Smaragdakis, A. Biboudis, and G. Fourtounis. GTTSE--Grand Timely Topics in SE
- Stream Fusion, to Completeness, O. Kiselyov, A. Biboudis, N. Palladinos and Y. Smaragdakis. POPL'17 (repo, slides, video)
- Recaf: Java Dialects as Libraries, A. Biboudis, P. Inostroza and T. van der Storm. GPCE'16 (repo, slides)
- Streams à la carte: Extensible Pipelines with Object Algebras, A. Biboudis, N. Palladinos, G. Fourtounis and Y. Smaragdakis. ECOOP'15 (repo, video, bib)
- Automating Ad hoc Data Representation Transformations, V. Ureche, A. Biboudis, Y. Smaragdakis and M. Odersky. OOPSLA'15
- jUCM: Universal Class Morphing (position paper), A. Biboudis, G. Fourtounis and Y. Smaragdakis, MASPEGHI'15 (slides)
- MorphScala: Safe Class Morphing with Macros, A. Biboudis and E. Burmako. SCALA'14
- Clash of the Lambdas, A. Biboudis, N. Palladinos and Y. Smaragdakis. ICOOOLPS'14 (slides, repo)
- Reified Type Parameters Using Java Annotations, P. Gerakios, A. Biboudis, and Y. Smaragdakis. GPCE'13 (slides, poster)
- Forsaking Inheritance: Supercharged Delegation in DelphJ, P. Gerakios, A. Biboudis, and Y. Smaragdakis. OOPSLA'13
- Computer Vision:
- MobiXeyes: Real-time Stereo Vision Technology for Racket Sports, O. Sekkas, V. Tsetsos, A. Biboudis, E. Zervas, N. Silvestros, S. Hadjiefthymiades, A. Batistakis. APCST'15
- Wireless Sensor Networks:
- Multisensor data fusion for fire detection, E. Zervas, A. Biboudis, C. Anagnostopoulos, O. Sekkas, and S. Hadjiefthymiades.
- TA/Lecturer, Foundations of Software (2017, 2018) by Professor M. Odersky
- TA/Lab, K04-Introduction to Programming (2011) by Professor P. Stamatopoulos
- TA, K10-Object Oriented Programming (2011, 2012) by Professor I. Karali
- TA, K22-Operating Systems (2010, 2011, 2012) by Professor S. Hadjiefthymiades
- TA, TP06-Compilers (2012) by Professor Y. Smaragdakis